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Secrets About LindaIssue #666 New Server TEST November 13, 2003 |
testing New ServerNew Server~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SITE-SELL! The World's Most USABLE E-commerce E-zine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >A free, occasional e-zine dedicated to showing you... > ... how to SELL on the Net! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ November 30, 2000 Issue #013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >ALL-TIME FAVORITE ARTICLEIf a friend forwarded this copy of SITE-SELL! to you, here's our readers' all-time favorite SITE-SELL! article. It's a powerful example of how to makeover your own site to... ... SELL on the Net! :-) If you like what you see and want to keep getting more of the same, please visit... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >READER'S CHOICE... Care to see the VERY BEST ARTICLE (according to reader feedback) from each of our OTHER two e-zines?... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >TABLE OF CONTENTS o SITE-SELL! Xpress News 1) Site Build It!... Coming Soon to a Computer Near You! 2) As the Old Song Goes, It's Now... Or Never o Featured Articles 1) Follow-up on the Testimonials Article from Issue #012 2) Bombarded from a Million Directions?... DO ONE THING! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SITE-SELL XPRESS NEWS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----- --1-- ----- Site Build It!... Coming Soon to a Computer Near You! Way, WAY back, in a previous millennium, this e-zine started a series of articles (#003, #004, #005) that was SUPPOSED to culminate in the ultimate powerful and cost-effective step-by-step process for building income on the Net... That ambitious desire started a process that went far beyond just another good e-zine article. It started me thinking (always a painful process!)... "Information is great. But what most people need is a SYSTEM that ties all that information into a PROCESS that WORKS. An approach that, if followed, GETS RESULTS." Why? Because it's hard, and time-consuming, to get a snippet of useful info here, a good tool there, a wonderful tip someplace else, figure out how put it all together, overcome technical and marketing barriers, and make it all WORK. I wanted to take the concept a step past information, even if it did tie it all into a PROCESS that WORKS. And now, we're about to launch the ultimate, soup to nuts, e-biz building system. It's called Site Build It!. For a sneak pre-launch preview... P.S. PART I of that system is indeed all the information you need, tied together into a PROCESS that WORKS, to build an e-business that builds income. You can take this course, for free, from the above URL.
----- --2-- ----- As the Old Song Goes, It's Now... Or Never SiteSell is about to "go vertical." Site Build It! will blaze the path to success for hundreds of thousands of affiliates, entrepreneurs, small businesses, online stores, and professionals. The perceived value of visitors to our "sneak preview" Site Build It! site has come back 50% higher than we had anticipated. Commissions will be high. Thank goodness we decided to use Make Your Price Sell!... :-) And we have some earth-shattering products set for 2001! All this to say... If you have not yet joined the 5 Pillar Affiliate Program, do it now. Because "later" will soon be too late. Build more than short-term income... Build EQUITY. Allan Gardyne is probably THE affiliate guru on the Net. He has thousands of merchants clamoring for him to affiliate with their products. He could choose ANY one. Here's what he had to say about our 5 Pillar Program... And, of all the tens of thousands of programs available to Mr. Gardyne to choose from on the Net, which one is his top- earner?... For more information about the 5 Pillar Program... As the Old Song Goes, It's Now... Or Never.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FEATURED ARTICLES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------- ---1--- ------- New Thoughts on Testimonials, PART II Last issue of SITE-SELL!, the "New Thoughts on Testimonials" article updated you on new and original material that we have learned about testimonials since publishing MYSS!... Let's use two products to finish this article... Make Your Words Sell! -- our most recent launch and... Site Build It! -- immediately pre-launch In PART I, we talked about holding back your beta-users' testimonials, about NOT using them or using them sparingly. If you're launching a product, and if you're making a BIG deal about the fact that you're launching, your readers are bound to wonder... "How'd they get so many testimonials if they're launching?" Hurts the credibility, doesn't it? That's why we launched MYWS! "testimonial-free." Sure enough, testimonials started pouring in soon after. Next, we assembled the best 15-20 testimonials (for how to pick and work with testimonials, please see MYSS!). We avoid the ones that just generally rave and look for the ones that hit benefits that we know are important for our customers. And we placed them at key points of the site, to maximize impact. See the Make Your Words Sell! site for the final version of the MYWS! site, updated with testimonials since last issue. As you read the comments, ask yourself... "Why did Ken include that one?" (By the way, we find the special javascript-generated presentation format to be a very effective way to present testimonials. Feel free to "VIEW SOURCE" the page and use the javascript that makes it go. :-) ) -- As for Site Build It!... As I just said, it's normally best to start WITHOUT testimonials, which is logical since no one has had a chance to use the product yet. In the case of Site Build It!, over 500 5 Pillar Affiliate are already using Site Build It!. And I'm extremely PROUD to admit that many are using it to build content sites that are NOT specifically about SiteSell products. We already have some pretty nice comments. If we were to feature them all on launch day, we'd feature some credibility issues, though. So we use just three, placed again for maximum impact. And nothing fancy... each appears in a simple grey table, with mono-spaced font (to give it that typewritten look). To see this effect... Bottom line?... Do NOT worry about starting WITHOUT testimonials. It can actually be a plus for your credibility. If you have some kind words of beta-users from before your launch, use them sparingly -- otherwise, you face a credibility issue. Finally, when you have a good assortment to choose from, pick ones that emphasize key benefits. Place for maximal impact. Do NOT hide them on a separate Testimonial Page.
------- ---2--- ------- Bombarded from a Million Directions?... DO ONE THING! I shared the following article with readers of our Sales from the EDGE e-zine recently. It received some wonderful compliments because it cuts to the heart of a major problem that we ALL have... time management. The advice is deceivingly simple. It might even seem too simple. But if you DO IT, you'll find yourself getting the IMPORTANT STUFF done in a day. And just think of all the time you'll save by not having to read an entire book on time management! ;-) I hope you enjoy this as much as the EDGE subscribers did... ---- How does a little company like SiteSell complete a project like Site Build It!?... Total focus on a single project. A common question that I receive is how I get so much done in a day. That makes me conclude that many people would like to get more done... Or, to be more exact, they'd like to get more IMPORTANT stuff done. The Net can become your personal "distract-o-matic," ready to send you off to 100 new sites, each of which could make a huge difference in your life, right? It's so easy to get caught up... read every e-zine, spend hours and hours on low-yield marketing techniques, chatting, etc. If you find that "fun" and that's enough, then that's fine. But if you want to build a successful, profitable business, it's not. If you find yourself not getting the IMPORTANT stuff done, here's my #1 time management principle (I don't have a #2)... Pick your most important project and sweep everything else aside. Break it down into a list of "to do" steps. Each morning, prioritize those steps. Decide on which ones need to be DONE or ADVANCED, by you or by others. If the step is to be done by you, either DO IT or ADVANCE it closer to completion. If it is to be done by someone else, follow-up with that person. Set deadlines. If other things fall by the wayside, so be it. You can't do it all. It's not possible. But you *CAN* do what's important. If that sounds too simple, try it. It's the only way we could ever have delivered a product that is as comprehensive as Site Build It!... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SITESELL PRODUCTS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Make Your Site SELL! "The definitive work on making any Web site SELL!" Make Your Knowledge Sell! "Turn knowledge into income -- sell your brain on the Net." Make Your Price Sell! "Price with complete confidence & double your Net profits." Make Your Words Sell! "Want to sell MORE? Become an e-persuader." Site Build It! "Build income through content." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back issues available at... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TO UNSUBSCRIBE To unsubscribe, go to the following URL and enter your e-mail address. If you use more than one e-mail address, be sure to enter the same one that you used when you subscribed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WANT TO CHANGE THE E-MAIL ADDRESS AT WHICH YOU RECEIVE THIS? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Written by Ken Evoy, M.D., President of Inc. (c) copyright 2000 Inc. |
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